How do I become an RSA Officer or Director?
Officers and Directors of the RSA are elected by nomination and ballot every fall at our General Membership Meeting. Typical terms are for 2 years. Any softball player in good standing with the RSA can be on the ballot for a Directors position. Officers can only be elected after holding a Directors position. Check this website frequently for updates, or contact any Board Member with questions. Check out the link below to view the names and the history of "Who's Who" of RSA Board Members. Join us!
RSA Board of Directors
RSA Officers & Board of Directors 2019-2020
Co-President A
Co-President B
Women's Rep
Women's Rep
Men's Rep
Men's Rep
Co-Ed Rep
Umpire Rep
Umpire Rep
At-Large Rep
At-Large Rep
Brad Tiedeken
Ben Boldt
VJ Thiesse
Jodi Schmidt
Jeff Koster
Gregg Johnson
Marcy Byers
Mark Benfield
Rocky O'Dell
Dick Gosse